It’s a pleasure to write again and share with you what the Lord has been doing in the last couple of months. However, I would like first to thank you for responding to my request last December to consider giving an end of year financial gift to Malawi Reformation Network (MRN). We are very thankful for all your donations. We have started this year stronger financially because of the gifts. Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow.
Recently, I had a pastor from Scotland send me a message letting me know that he and his congregation prayed for MRN during one of their prayer meetings. This was after they had watched a presentation I made about the effects of prosperity gospel upon Malawi. Honestly, I was not expecting that the work we are doing will echo as far as the highlands of Scotland. But again, the Lord has just reminded us of that beautiful truth: He is able to do more than we can think, ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20).I am encouraged to know that we have brothers and sisters in Scotland who are also praying for us and considering to partner with MRN in our vision and work.
the Lord has just reminded us of that beautiful truth: He is able to do more than we can think, ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20)Tweet itScotland has a special connection to Malawi because the first missionary to Malawi, Dr. David Livingstone, was from Blantyre, Scotland. Following his footsteps, many Presbyterian missionaries came to Malawi. They planted the first Reformed Presbyterian churches in Malawi. Yet today the Reformed faith is almost dead in this country. But praise the Lord that he is raising up another Reformed church planting movement, which is beginning in the city of Blantyre (not Scotland) but Malawi. Also unlike in the 1800s when this movement was led by Scottish missionaries, this time it has pleased the Lord to use Malawians themselves to lead it with the support of MRN. Isn’t God’s providence amazing and sweet?
this time it has pleased the Lord to use Malawians themselves to lead it with the support of MRNTweet itPlease continue to remember this vision and work in your prayers. This Fall, Lord willing, my family and I will begin planting the first confessional Presbyterian church. I will give more details in my next update, but we would like you to know that we are excited to step out in faith and see the Lord at work. By God’s grace, we hope to see the light that shone in our hearts shine again in hearts of many people in the beautiful land of Malawi (2 Cor. 4:5-6).
Rev. Confex Makhalira
Founder and Board Member of MRN