It takes many hands to bring something like this together, and we’re thankful for the passionate volunteers who have helped MRN get this far. Among them, Gary Caldwell, a University Reformed Church (URC) Youth, a local student at East Lansing High School and one of the most talented videographers I’ve ever met.
In early September, we shot the video in the URC sanctuary after the 11 AM service. While Gary set up the cameras, Confex and I searched for a good chair, talked about how the shoot would go and pulled the shades to block out the sunlight.
Equipment: Camera 1: Canon SL2. Camera 2: Canon T3i. Lens: Nikkor 50mm 1.4. Lights: 800W Soft Boxes.
From idea to writing to shooting, to processing and tweaking over the next few weeks, we were able to publish the video in a little over a month.
Because the gospel must go forth. When I asked Gary if he would help me shoot it, he had never heard of MRN, and until he read the script, he didn’t even know what we were doing – but he did know that we’d be doing gospel work. I’m thankful for young men like Gary who are willing, at the drop of a hat, to use their gifts for the glory of God.
What talents might you have to use toward gospel work like this?Tweet itThe scriptures call us to, Arise and work! (1 Chronicles 22:16) and then we pray that God would give the growth (1 Corinthians 3:7). Keep praying for Malawi, we’re grateful for your support.
In Christ,
Barry Peterson