In Matthew 19:23-30 Jesus teaches his disciples about the problem of salvation. That it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into God’s Kingdom. The narrative follows Jesus’ counsel of the rich young ruler and highlights the fact that no-one has perfectly kept the law of God. The disciples, knowing the desperation in their own hearts ask the question we would have asked: “Who then can be saved?!!”
Why would a poor person in Malawi turn away from a message of wealth and lifestyle to a reformed church that preaches the message, 'come and die’?Tweet itI am often compelled to pray for Malawi and for this work out of a similar desperation. Why would any pastor in Malawi leave the safely and income of the denomination for this work? Why would a poor person in Malawi turn away from a message of wealth and lifestyle to a reformed church that preaches the message, ‘come and die’? Why would men want to start a new church when they can more easily be ready to preach in the current churches, which have more social support? How can we know that the men who come here will want to go back to Malawi after tasting the lifestyle and the enjoying the comforts we have here?
But Jesus answers them and tells them what to do, he says: “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”. Salvation is God’s work and we can ask him for this. I am convinced that what we need most from you as you read and desire to support the work of MRN is PRAYER.
I am convinced that what we need most from you as you read and desire to support the work of MRN is PRAYER.Tweet itWith these things in mind, here are two things you can pray for with us:
- That the Lord would raise up men with a calling to study and preach the Word in Malawi. And specifically, for the two men we’ve interviewed; that they and we would have wisdom to discern God’s will for them and their involvement in our internship and attending Seminary here.
- There is great material need all throughout the country of Malawi. Pray for the people of Malawi. That they would not trade the truth of the Gospel for the lie that is being peddled by preachers who would convince them of the false gospel of health and wealth. Pray that their needs would be met by their heavenly father and for Confex and Mwai, that they would be able to minister to the needs of the people with wisdom and grace.
Evan Vanderwey
Chairman of the Board